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How to choose a kitchen sink

release time:2022-10-17
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The sink is a representative of the kitchen, whether it's washing dishes or cleaning kitchenware, you can't live without it. So how to choose a kitchen sink, AXcellent will tell you what is the best choice of sink!


ü On-counter type

On-counter type is the most common installation method, whether it is stainless steel sink, granite sink or the rare ceramic sink, can be placed directly after the opening of the hole, around the silicone seal can be, some products may need to use additional fasteners fixed.


Advantages: Cabinet suppliers do not charge extra, the construction of the least difficult, do not pick the countertop material.
Disadvantages:Sink and countertop around not easy to clean, silicone aging breakage may leak from the seam. But still exists as the default installation method.


ü Undercounter installation

Undercounter installation is also used a lot at present, and manual stainless steel sink is basically the default installation method. There are two types of installation, one is undercounter without step type and one is step type.

The undercounter type is suitable for most stainless steel sinks, topless undercounter and conventional granite sinks, and topless undercounter ceramic sinks. Compared to the countertop type quick and easy in the installation process, you need to pay separately.


Advantages: Lower than the countertop, easy to clean the countertop, visually more beautiful.
Disadvantages:Processing has certain difficulties, the strength of the countertop has certain requirements, the seam will have some cleaning difficulties, especially the step installation, additional charges.


ü Table-flat installation

Table-flat installations are less common because of the difficulty of machining, requiring precise milling of the contours and required depth, with the sink and countertop on a flat surface.

The integration of the countertop flat installation is second only to the seamless installation, with virtually no dead space or dropouts, and a high degree of visual unity and beauty.


Advantages: No existential drop, very small gaps, very easy to clean countertops, visually integrated and comfortable.

Disadvantages Processing is very difficult, need to charge extra, compared to the mainstream installation methods cost more.


ü Flush undercounter installation

Flush undercounter installation also belongs to the type of undercounter installation, the difference is that the thickness of the countertop is almost weakened, commonly found in laminate countertops. 

The processing difficulty is lower than the table flat type, take advantage of the laminate structure, only let the finish layer cover the sink, the edges are generally polished rounded corners, filled with cast resin-like adhesive closure to achieve a certain strength and high sealing. Because of covering this countertop section, visually it will be lighter and more beautiful.


Advantages:  The countertop appears light, visual integration is obvious, easy to clean the countertop, between the table flat type and under the table type.

DisadvantagesHigher processing difficulty, and more applicable laminate countertops, need to charge extra.


ü Embedded installation

Embedded installation is more messy, generally refers to the sink and countertop contact, not in a plane, higher than the type of countertop can meet the needs of the countertop height difference to some extent, such as a higher sink height to reduce the bending angle. 

The countertop does not cover or partially cover the sink, mostly seen in ceramic sinks. The countertop is left with a groove, closer to the countertop intersection, step installation, depth of entry highlighting the countertop and cabinet.


Advantages:  Can meet personal style preferences, can be matched with the same style cabinets. Ceramic sink is easy to clean, sink price is also relatively affordable.

Disadvantages:Ceramic cabinets are fragile, and turn need to pay attention to the transport, and the cabinet structure requires special design, more trouble.


ü One-piece installation

One-piece installation actually requires the product to match the height of the countertop, basically the sink and countertop belong to the same material, common stainless steel, artificial stone structure. However, compared to the table flat type and flush platform under the type, the supplier can package to get it done.

Artificial stone type integrated countertop, color, texture more choices, up to 100 kinds, especially the chamfer, drainage, the overall shape can have many kinds. Easier to customize than stainless steel processing.


Advantages: High value, one-piece seamless processing, proper processing can be done without dead ends, high visual, material and feel consistency. Style, color can be customized.

Disadvantages:The price is also more expensive, not many makers want good craftsmanship of one-piece sink, integrated also means that it is almost impossible to replace the sink alone.


If you choose AXcellent's sink customization, we will meet all your requirements as much as possible, click the link below and immediately get a special person to customize your xian exclusively for you!!


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